*Days 23-25 Prompt: Whether you are male or female, do you consider yourself a guy or gal with GUTS? To me, having guts means that you’re strong and brave. Think about how you fit into this description and read my post below to see what I’m doing to be stronger and feel better about myself and my abilities! You can do it too!**

I’m used to bodybuilding, not mud races!

As many of you may already know, I am in love with fitness and working out. I love being in the gym, doing weights, exercising on various cardio machines, doing plyometrics, etc. I also like running, whether it be on the treadmill or outside, even though I’m not very good at it. I’m more of a sprinter, not a long distance runner. :) However, a very close friend of mine – Jackie from Blood, Poop, and Tears – recently coaxed me into doing a race with her…A MUD RACE.

Why the hell did I agree to do this? For starters, I love Jackie. She is inspiring in more ways than I can count. I believe strongly in supporting my friends and their aspirations and I definitely support Jackie in her new-found goals in running. But I actually decided to do this because it means I’ll be stepping out of my comfort zone. A mud race is something I never imagined myself taking part of and to be honest, it’s something that makes me nervous. How will my ostomy fare in this sort of event? What precautions will I have to take? Questions such as these are running wildly through my head right now.

As I committed (paid) to do the race, I realized that doing something like this really shows that nervous girl inside of me that I really do have GUTS. As a co-founder of Girls With Guts, I feel it’s important to step up to the plate and be the part, not just play it. I don’t want to rehearse having guts, I want to prove I have them!

Left to right: Me, Jackie, Sara

What can YOU do to step outside your comfort zone and show yourself that you have guts?

About the Author

8 Responses to 30-Day Self-Esteem Challenge, Days 23-25: Being a Girl with Guts

  1. jill says:

    i have an kock pouch, i have had it for about 12 years or so, i have done the camp pendleton mud run every year now since 2007 i think, and 2 times in 2011, it is so much fun and you will love it!!!!!!!!
    i also ride bikes which i think is far easier then running, but i ride fast and i ride far so it is a challenge also
    good luck on your mud run and have a blast

  2. Kerrilynn says:

    A close friend of mine recently did a Tough Mudder race (is this the kind of race you are referring to?) and as nervous as I was for her, I was really proud of her, and a bit envious! Tough Mudder is a really, REALLY hard race with all kinds of crazy obstacles (wall jumps, going through tubes with rocks and water in them, climbing steep steps then having to cross a net bridge and climb down steep steps, etc. look it up!), and I was really nervous for her! She had been in recovery for 4 years from anorexia and trained hard for this race and gained strength and endurance and rocked this race better than most of the guys there! I mention her story because she said she felt like a million bucks after that race. She was really banged up and bruised, but she did EVERY obstacle where lots of people skipped and finished! I can’t run because of poor connective tissues and dislocating joints, but I did get my but out of a wheelchair after being wheelchair dependent for two years. I started slowly and would walk behind my chair until I started to feel tired and would then be pushed the rest of the way. Each week I was able to walk a little farther, and after about a year, I was walking the block BY MY SELF with just a cane to help for balance. I actually got up to almost a mile, before I had a few set backs. I’ll get back there, I know I will. Maybe someday I’ll be able to do some sort of Awareness Walk. Keep us posted about the Mud Race!

  3. [...] Days 23-25 Prompt: Whether you are male or female, do you consider yourself a guy or gal with GUTS? To me, having guts means that you’re strong and brave. Think about how you fit into this description and read my post to see what I’m doing to be stronger and feel better about myself and my abilities! You can do it too! (read Charis’ post here) [...]

  4. I’m running the Dirty Girl in September! I thought the same way you did. After looking at some of the obstacles I thought ‘oh great – what have I gotten myself into!?’ But then it occurred to me that I have conquered WAY more difficult things in my life. This is going to be cake!

    • Charis says:

      I love the name of that – Dirty Girl :) I’m totally nervous about the obstacles but I know with Jackie by my side, or likely in front of me, I’ll get through it. :)

  5. Jackie says:

    Daaaahhh!!!! So excited!!!!

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