I love my friends! Here are links to some of their blogs and web sites. They have all given me so much support, I can’t thank them enough! Their Facebook pages, YouTube channels, blogs, and web sites each raise awareness of IBD, ostomies, and many other diseases and conditions, in their own unique way. I’m proud to know them and call them friends. :)

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Also on this page you’ll find a fair amount of resources relating to IBD and ostomies – everything ranging from organizations to ostomy supply/product companies. It’s a constant work-in-progress, so check back periodically to see what’s new. :)

Here are some of the blogs, sites, etc. that helped me immensely when I was considering my second ileostomy and then the recovery period after:

The Phoenix Magazine

The Phoenix Magazine is an awesome resource for ostomates. I started subscribing to it when I got my second temporary ileostomy in 2011. I get so excited every time a new issue arrives in my mailbox because of its great articles, inspiring stories, and ostomy product highlights. As someone who is still a fairly new ostomate (7 months now), I oftentimes still feel lost with all of the different things to try for ostomates. The Phoenix Magazine helps organize all of this information for me so that I don’t have to spend hours and hours researching things myself online. It’s also really nice to see a publication JUST for ostomates. Having it contributes to the development of a solid, cohesive ostomy community that serves to support its members. I LOVE IT!!!!!

Heidi from Ostomy Outdoors

I Have UC

Rollin With Outta Colon

Allie and Oscar the Ostomy

Troy’s Transformation

Paul Riome of Living Bigger with Colostomy

Ostomy Lingerie from Vanilla Blush

Pretty cool design on an ostomy belt!

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9 Responses to My Friends & Resources

  1. SGJ says:

    Great list! Lots of reading for relative 0st0n00bs like myself! I’ve recently begun writing about my own experience. Check it out!

  • Charis – thanks so much for adding me to your list of friends and resources. I am both humbled and proud to be associated with the many inspirational and knowledgeable authors you have found. Paul.

  • Cary says:

    Thank you, Charis! And thank you for posting it on your blog, which I see has grown tremendously. I think you had ~4000 hits when I first visited, which was, I recall, in January. Wow! If you’ve helped and inspired many like you did me, all I can say is: thing of beauty! This post is very helpful–all the important links in one place. Thank you again for having the vision to make it possible.

  • Cary says:

    Ileostomy appliance change video:

  • anyone can join from any part of the world

  • Charis says:

    I’m glad you’re here, Tony :)

  • I have enjoyed reading your posts on Facebook and I look forward to interacting with my fellow ostomy freinds.

  • Hi, I’m Charis!

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